Conflict Management & Personal Safety Course (1 Day)


The training will help the individual cope with incidents such as verbal and physical abuse; threats/indirect aggression/bullying/malicious damage. Deal with physical violence such as kicking, spitting, hitting or pushing as well as extreme violence. It will enable the student to identify signs of aggression from body language and triggers for conflict and escalation as well as understanding the impact of attitude and behaviour. The Personal Safety aspect of the course will teach the students to recognise aggressive body language and how to break away from an aggressor who is about to attack or has taken hold of the student. This training also includes weapon awareness.

Who Should Attend?

This qualification is aimed at individuals who require training in conflict management. It is appropriate for a wide range of sectors and is suitable for anyone who has a customer facing role, deals with service users or the public.

Course Content

This includes how communication can be used to solve problems and reduce the likelihood of conflict, the factors that influence human responses in conflict situations, how to assess and reduce risks in conflict situations, how to communicate effectively and de-escalate conflict in emotive situations and good practice to follow after conflict situations.

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